The holidays are an excellent opportunity to show your clients how much they mean to you. If you’re considering reaching out ahead of Christmas, there’s still time to plan.

Regardless of your budget or available time, you’ll find there are many approaches that yield great results. Let’s look at a few of the most popular.

The Holiday Greeting Card

A holiday greeting card can be as specific or general as you’d like. Of course, the more personalized the card is, the greater the connection it will make with your client. This is true of the message you write on the card and the imagery you use.

You can use photography of your staff or customized imagery that relays something relevant to your firm. You can even write out a message specific to each client. This is a great way to connect with clients because it gives them a token of your gratitude for your relationship.

However, you don’t necessarily need to write a personalized message or create custom imagery or photography to go the holiday greeting card route. If time or budget is an issue, holiday greeting cards from your local store will still let your clients know you’re thinking of them.

Phone Calls

Phone calls are an effective and highly personalized way to reach out to clients. A brief call lets the client know you care enough to speak to them in person to catch up and wish them a happy holiday season.

The best part of reaching out to clients via a phone call is that it’s free. So if you have budgetary restrictions but have available time, this is a great way to connect with your clients.


If you have the budget to do so, you can send out small gifts to your clients. These can be holiday candy, food baskets, a Christmas ham, or, if you want to give highly personalized presents, a unique gift selected for each of your clients.

To go the extra mile, you or someone from your firm can hand deliver the gift, though sending it through a shipping service or the mail is still enough to show the client you care. If you ship the gift instead of delivering it in person, attach a brief greeting card to the item.


Though the other options on this list are likely to make a bigger impact on your clients, sending an email is still a solid option to reach out to your client. If you’re short on both time and budget, a greeting card-style email might be the way to go. However, if you have time to type out personalized emails, it will likely resonate more with your client.

You Can Prioritize Your Holiday Outreach Efforts

You might find the most reasonable approach to reaching out to your clients is by sending gifts to the clients you’ve developed the closest relationships with. The less interaction you’ve had with someone, the less formal your outreach can be.

For those that you’ve only met through a consultation, for example, a holiday greeting card can still make a great impression. They’ll likely be impressed you thought of them enough to reach out after only a brief interaction.

Pro tip: If someone at your firm has established a relationship with a client, it might be best to have the gift, card, or phone call come directly from them instead of from the entire firm.

Don’t Limit Your Holiday Outreach to Just Clients

The holidays are a great time to cultivate relationships with more than just your clients. If you have attorneys who refer several cases to your firm, you should consider putting them high on your list of those to send gifts or greeting cards to. The same goes for any other professional relationships your firm has built.

Timing of Holiday Outreach

When it comes to sending holiday cards or gifts to your clients, planning is everything. Planning ahead will help ensure the items arrive before the holiday and allow them to fully appreciate your thoughtfulness.

Here are some gift-giving tips to keep in mind to make a lasting impression on your clients:

Even if the holidays have passed, there’s always time to send your clients a thoughtful card or gift as a token of appreciation. It’s a great way to show them you value your relationship, especially during the hectic holiday season.

Backdocket Can Help You Centralize a List of Clients

One of the coolest features of backdocket is its ability to help you keep centralized lists that are accessible and collaborative with your coworkers. You can use our practice management software to set up tasks related to holiday greeting cards or gift-giving processes. It’s one of the many features that have made backdocket so popular with small- to mid-size law firms. If you’d like to learn more about how backdocket can make your life easier, contact us today to schedule a free demonstration.

Originally published December 7, 2020. Updated October 7, 2024.

Even before smartphones became a part of daily life for most Americans, texting was a convenient and popular mode of communication. Though more and more businesses now text their clients and customers, some law firms still rely solely on phone calls to communicate with clients.

Though not every message is best conveyed via text, text messages can help your team be more efficient and more accommodating of clients who prefer not to get phone calls in most cases.

Let’s explore the benefits of texting versus calling clients and look at when you might consider using each to communicate with them.

When to Text Message Clients

Texting helps you quickly communicate a simple message to your client. It’s also a popular form of communication, particularly among younger people. Many people believe texts are less intrusive than phone calls, which makes them perfect for messages that don’t require an immediate response.

Here are a few reasons why your firm should rely on texting for some of your client communications:

Best Practices for Text Messaging

When texting, it’s important to maintain professionalism and adhere to best practices. Here are some tips:

When to Call Clients Instead of Texting Them

Despite all the benefits of texting, it isn’t the perfect medium for all communications. Phone calls provide a more personal touch, and they are far better than texts at conveying more sensitive information.

Here are a few reasons why your firm should rely on phone calls for some of your client communications.

Cater Your Communication to Each Client’s Preferences

One of the best ways to find out how your clients would prefer receiving communication from your firm is to ask them. Though your firm might have a policy regarding certain types of communication, you can let your clients decide the default form of correspondence they’ll receive from your team.

Understand How to Use Different Forms of Communication

Today’s law firms have several forms of communication available and can decide which type is best for different situations. For example, a meeting reminder can easily be sent via text, while personal, detailed information about a case should always be conveyed through a phone call or in person.

Let backdocket Help You Communicate Better With Clients

At backdocket, we know how important client communication is for law firms. Among many other benefits, our practice management software helps you keep track of when to reach out to clients and what was discussed in your last conversation.

If you’re looking for a system that keeps your team organized and ahead of schedule, contact us today to schedule a free backdocket demonstration.

Originally published August 16, 2021. Updated June 13, 2024.

Attorneys and legal staff spend their days moving between the office, client meetings, and courtrooms. Whether you’re in a new client consultation, starting the negotiation process, or gearing up for trial, accessing case-related tasks and documents from anywhere is crucial.

A mobile device equipped with legal practice management software like backdocket enables you to manage your schedule, annotate documents, and prepare for court appearances, ensuring you’re equipped for any situation.

Explore the case-related tasks you can accomplish with backdocket on your mobile and discover how it can boost your efficiency and case outcomes.

Reviewing and Annotating Documents on the Go

Reviewing and annotating documents from a mobile device offers lawyers flexibility and efficiency. For instance, while working on a personal injury case, you might receive a critical medical report or a new witness statement.

You can immediately access these documents and highlight key details using mobile tools. To bolster your case, consider adding notes to these sections regarding specific injuries or discrepancies in witness accounts.

Features like voice-to-text allow for quick thought capture without needing to type, helping you organize and review case evidence no matter where you are. This capability ensures immediate access to vital information, keeping you prepared for negotiations or court proceedings.

Scheduling and Calendar Management

As a legal professional, you need effective scheduling and calendar management to manage multiple cases, meetings, and deadlines. With mobile tools, you can instantly update your calendar with court dates, client meetings, and deadline reminders.

For instance, you’re wrapping up a meeting with a new client who needs a follow-up session to review case documents. You can quickly check your availability, schedule a meeting, and set participant reminders. You can also sync these updates in real-time across devices, ensuring you never miss an important commitment.

Integrated calendars on your devices streamline your workflow, allowing you to focus more on your clients’ cases and less on managing your schedule.

Time Tracking and Billing at Your Fingertips

All legal firms must maintain accurate time tracking and efficient billing to ensure profitability and client trust. Mobile tools bring these critical tasks directly to your fingertips, enabling you to log billable hours as soon as you complete a task, whether at the courthouse, in a client meeting, or working remotely.

For example, after conducting depositions for an upcoming trial, you can immediately record the time spent without waiting to get back to your desk. These tools often include features for categorizing time by case, making it easier to generate detailed invoices.

Real-time tracking ensures transparency with clients and streamlines the billing process, reducing delays and discrepancies in invoicing.

Seamless Communication with Clients and Team Members

Effective communication is the cornerstone of client satisfaction and team collaboration for legal organizations. Mobile technology simplifies staying connected with clients and colleagues, ensuring timely and secure exchanges that keep everyone informed and engaged.

With mobile tools, you can:

Whether you’re coordinating with your legal team on strategy, updating clients on their case status, or negotiating with opposing counsel, mobile communication tools ensure you can do so efficiently and effectively. This seamless interaction encourages transparency, builds trust, and supports a more collaborative working environment.

On-the-Spot Legal Research

Having the ability to conduct legal research wherever you are can impact the success of your cases. Mobile tools now allow you to perform on-the-spot legal research, accessing legal databases and resources directly from your phone or tablet.

This could include resources like:

With a mobile-friendly practice management system, you can immediately pull up relevant statutes, case law, and commentary to support your client’s case. This instant access to information makes you more agile in negotiations and court, enriching your preparation and strategy development so you’re always a step ahead.

Effortless Case Tracking

Mobile case tracking provides essential tools for streamlined case management, ensuring you’re always in sync with the latest developments.  With legal practice management software like backdocket, you have instant access to the most up-to-date case information, allowing you to monitor progress from start to finish.

Maybe you’ve been working remotely for a few days, focusing on a car accident case approaching critical milestones. Instead of returning to the office or waiting for updates from team members, you can access the case details on your device.

This capability lets you quickly determine the next steps, keeping the case moving forward. Maintaining momentum on cases optimizes your productivity and helps you provide high-level customer service to clients.

Get Mobile-Friendly Backdocket Today

In a fast-paced legal environment, staying mobile and efficient is more important than ever. Backdocket offers the solution to manage your legal tasks seamlessly from anywhere. With features designed for legal professionals, your mobile device transforms into a powerful tool for managing cases, documents, and schedules on the fly. Schedule a free demo today to see it in action.

Establishing your law firm’s presence online is no longer optional. For many years, the internet has been the most popular method of finding attorneys.

Even if a firm is not interested in digital marketing, it will benefit greatly from having a basic website that lets potential clients know who the firm is and how to reach it.

If you’re wondering what to include on your law firm’s website, we have you covered.


When you’re creating your law firm’s website, you should always include a few essential details so people can find you when they search for you. At the very least, your website should include:

Make your firm’s purpose and services clear to your site’s visitors right away. If you have a personal injury law firm, you can’t go wrong with adding content to the very top of your homepage that says, “personal injury lawyers serving (your area).”

Of course, just these measures alone won’t bring in a huge amount of new cases or shoot you to the top of search engine results pages. But it will serve as an online business card for your firm and let users know what you do and how they can reach you.


Once you’re ready to take your law firm’s website to the next level, you can be more specific in your firm’s services and offer visitors a more user-friendly experience. This means:

At this point, you’ve probably assumed (correctly) that you’ll need some help creating a user-friendly website. Some website hosting platforms offer intuitive interfaces for building your website, which can be useful for tech-savvy people in your firm who you choose to spearhead your online presence.

However, you might want to consider looking for third-party digital marketers, developers, or web designers who can help make your vision a reality.


When you feel like you have a solid presence online with your law firm’s website, but you’re ready to be more competitive in your market, it’s time to look at more advanced strategies.

Though one could write an entire book on this subject, let’s identify a few strategies you can use to get the most out of your law firm’s website.

Regularly update your content

Frequently reevaluate your site’s content, including written copy, photos, images, and videos, and find opportunities to refresh it. Whenever you get an impressive review, testimonial, or case result, list it on your site. Consider blogging on a regular basis—whether that schedule is daily, weekly, or monthly—with blogs related to your firm’s services and community involvement.

Optimize your site for search engines (SEO)

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a huge topic that can easily be overwhelming for those unfamiliar with it. Start with the basics, such as optimizing your site’s title tags, headings, meta descriptions, and page speed. Then you can work your way up to even more advanced strategies like schema markup, link building, and establishing your authority online.

If you’re completely baffled by SEO, don’t worry. You can quickly become fluent in best practices for optimizations via online videos, tutorials, and guides, like our own SEO guide specifically geared for law firms or The Beginner’s Guide to SEO from Moz.

Analyze your competitors’ websites and seek to provide better content and user experience

If you want to know what type of content performs best on search engines, then start googling important search terms you’d like to rank for.

For example, google “personal injury lawyers in (your city)” and make note of the firms that perform well on page one of search results. Analyze what those sites do, so you can try to create content and a user experience that is superior to those websites.

Use performance analytics

Understanding how visitors interact with your law firm’s website can help refine your content, user experience, and marketing strategies. Performance analytics tools like Google Analytics (GA4) and Google Search Console can provide insights into metrics such as page views, traffic sources, click-through rates, and more.

This data is often helpful for identifying what type of content engages your visitors, optimizing your layout and navigation, and determining which marketing channels (social media, email, organic search, etc.) are most effective at driving visitors to your site.

At backdocket, We Help Firms Reach the Next Level

Our practice management software ensures that once you start getting leads online, you’re able to give them the best service possible. Backdocket helps small- to mid-size firms communicate more effectively, keep track of leads, automate processes, and ensure that cases are always moving forward.

If you’d like a free backdocket demonstration, contact us today to get started.

Originally published November 30, 2020. Updated May 17, 2024.

Many law firms still use pen and paper or spreadsheets for billing, scheduling, and case management. A 2018 industry survey found that 25% of small businesses still use pen and paper for tracking finances, causing them to fall behind their competitors.

Relying on outdated methods for managing your law firm can cause problems for smaller organizations. It can lead to a greater chance of making mistakes, difficulty tracking progress, and communication and data retrieval inefficiencies.

Switching to a cloud-based practice management software can streamline your firm’s operations by automating repetitive tasks and centralizing data to improve accuracy and boost productivity.

Reduce Mistakes

Studies have shown that although people have about 99.5% to 99.8% accuracy when typing words or data in a spreadsheet, this can be reduced when more data is involved. For instance, if a spreadsheet has 10 root formulas, there is an 18-40% chance of an error.

With digital practice management software, your firm can reduce errors and see improvements in the following areas:

Automates Tasks

By automating time-consuming tasks, practice management software offers a major advantage over pen-and-paper or spreadsheet systems. This frees staff to focus on critical aspects of their work, such as cases, client leads, or marketing efforts.

Backdocket is a comprehensive legal practice management software that automates the following tasks, making your practice more streamlined:

Keeps Data Centralized

One of the biggest drawbacks to manual processes is the piecemeal approach to data management. Instead of having everything on one centralized platform, you might be juggling a spreadsheet for billable hours, another for the practice schedule, and another for case documents.

Moving to a digital practice management system keeps all practice information in one location accessible to all authorized personnel. With one sign-in, you can perform a customized search for contacts or claims, letting you see case notes, records requests, or other necessary information without sorting through multiple spreadsheets or papers.

A centralized solution like backdocket also lets you see data at a glance with real-time dashboards and reports. This enables you to see the bigger picture, including open cases, marketing KPIs, and client leads, helping you to run your practice more effectively.

Out With the Old, and in With the New: Try Backdocket Today

Using paper and pen or multiple spreadsheets for your law firm could be holding you back from your full potential. It’s time to upgrade to a streamlined practice management system that will simplify your workload, reduce errors, and keep everything in one place so it’s there when you need it.

Schedule your free demo today and see how Backdocket’s all-in-one solution can boost practice performance and client satisfaction.

Running a successful law firm means tracking data points like active cases, productivity, and employee happiness. Monitoring these Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) helps you set specific goals, stay on track, and know when to make changes to boost performance.

For instance, only around 32% of employees in the U.S. are engaged in their jobs.

Monitoring KPIs like employee satisfaction with practice management software can help you identify if you are above or below this national average and take steps to increase it for better employee retention.

Knowing which KPIs to track helps you focus on the right areas. The following are potentially overlooked data points you can track to improve cash flow and ROI on marketing efforts and boost profitability.

Revenue Flow

Optimize financial efficiency by tracking billing cycles and payment timelines using legal practice management software. Closely monitor when invoices are sent, their due dates, and when you receive payments. Careful tracking lets you see where payment delays occur, making it easy to quickly step in and fix issues.

For instance, if specific clients consistently pay late, you might introduce early payment discounts or automated reminders. This will help shorten the payment cycle and increase your cash flow. You can also communicate payment terms and fees early on, such as due dates, installment options, and accepted forms of payment, for smoother financial operations.

Marketing ROI

To optimize your marketing efforts, measure the return on investment (ROI) with your legal practice management software. Keep tabs on how much you spend on marketing campaigns and the revenue they bring in to identify which strategies work best for client acquisition.

You can tweak your ad spend or local SEO strategy by tracking marketing KPIs for a higher ROI. For instance, you can compare the number of clients acquired via targeted online ads versus billboard spots. If online marketing is more effective, you can shift more of your budget to this strategy.

Client Satisfaction

Measuring clients’ happiness with your practice lets you refine your services and bolster your law firm’s reputation. Collect feedback through multiple channels, including:

This feedback reveals what clients appreciate and where enhancements are needed. For instance, if clients consistently praise your firm’s responsiveness but suggest better case updates, you can focus on reinforcing communication strategies. Acting on this data improves service quality and strengthens client trust and loyalty.

New Clients

Tracking new client acquisition gives insight into how clients find your firm and the types of cases they need help with. During intake, use your practice management platform to categorize new clients by referral source and case type to better track potential client needs.

For instance, you run a personal injury firm in the Midwest. After tracking new client KPIs for a few months, you discover 70% need representation for car accident cases, while 30% seek a premises liability attorney.

This information allows you to tailor your marketing efforts to reach the most clients. For example, you might focus on producing more content, such as blog posts and informational videos addressing legal concerts for car accident victims, to amplify your firm’s visibility and drive more targeted inquiries.


Productivity KPIs measure efficiency and effectiveness at your firm, helping you gauge employee performance. Consider tracking the following areas on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis with your practice management platform:

Monitoring these metrics can highlight areas for growth, such as time management or client relations. For example, a low ratio of billable to non-billable hours might indicate the need for more efficient work processes or better project allocation. Optimizing these areas can lead to higher productivity and greater firm success.

Employee Engagement

Understanding how content and involved your employees are can impact your law firm’s productivity and client service. Use surveys and feedback tools integrated into your legal practice management software to gauge employee satisfaction.

Pay attention to workload, work-life balance, and the office environment. If you find employee morale dips due to high caseloads, consider strategies to manage workload more effectively, such as hiring additional staff or implementing more efficient case management technologies.

Taking action based on employee feedback can boost morale and retention. Happy employees are often more engaged and productive, which boosts customer service and your firm’s reputation.

Try Backdocket Software

The right legal practice management platform makes tracking critical KPIs for your law firm easy. Backdocket lets you analyze data in multiple areas, such as marketing, billing, client types, and client and employee fulfillment, in real time.

With customizable dashboards and reporting, you can adjust firm benchmarks to better align with your goals and objectives. Try a free demo today to see how backdocket can streamline your operations and strengthen firm performance with targeted KPI monitoring.

Many law firms, even some of the most successful ones, are slow to adopt new ways of doing business. This is evidenced in the stacks of paperwork you’ll likely see when you walk into a law office.

Whether it’s outgoing invoices, incoming bills, or miscellaneous files, paperwork is a part of life for many firms. But what would life look like for your firm if you decided to go paperless?


If you’re considering going paperless at your law firm, you’re likely already aware of the obvious benefits. For example, paperless offices are less wasteful and more environmentally friendly.

But there are other benefits that serve the interests of your firm in addition to those of the environment. Going paperless helps law firms save thousands of sheets of paper every year, which saves on costs.

It also helps team members keep track of documents in centralized computer systems, which improves communication. For example, when you’re looking for a client’s file, you can easily search your system instead of weeding through a pile of manila folders.

When you’re operating completely in a cloud-based system, you’ll also find that your documents are more secure than they would be in paper form. Having backups of important legal documents ensures that vital processes don’t hinge solely on the existence of a single paper document.


  1. Take the switch from paper-based to paperless seriously. Create a deadline to switch to paperless communications internally and with clients and other third parties. This often includes a period in which you communicate electronically AND on paper before switching completely. That gives your clients or any third parties time to adjust.
  2. Invest in technology to facilitate the switch. Practice management systems can help your firm pivot away from paper to solely digital communications, so you’ll be prepared when it comes time to make the change.


Going paperless isn’t an all-or-nothing proposition. If you’re on the fence about your law firm going completely paperless, don’t let it prevent you from taking steps in that direction.

For some firms, a quick transition to paperless isn’t realistic. However, going paperless in some of your firm’s processes is still an option.

Consider testing out paper-free interactions within your firm. For example, instead of receptionists taking down hand-written phone messages, ask them to enter those messages into your practice management software, so they’ll be easily accessible by the message’s recipient.

Experiment first with whatever facet of your legal practice that most lends itself to paperless communications. Perhaps you might initially consider implementing paperless billing, or switching to paperless internal memos in your law firm. Even if you’re not completely paperless, you’ll still start saving on costs and reducing the mountains of paperwork your team encounters every day.


When transitioning to a paperless law firm, choosing the right technology is crucial. The ideal practice management software should not only accommodate your firm’s current needs, but also adapt to future challenges.

Here are considerations law firms should focus on when selecting a practice management software:

Choosing software with these features will ensure that your firm not only goes paperless, but will also benefit from improved productivity and client service.


If you’re considering making your law firm paper-free, you need a practice management system to communicate, store documents, and automate processes. Backdocket has helped many firms dramatically improve their operations and give them the easy option of a paperless workflow.

Find out more about our software and contact backdocket today for a free demonstration.

Originally published September 21, 2020. Updated April 5, 2024.

Over the last decade, “the cloud” has become an integral part of how people and businesses work, store data, and use services.

Cloud usage is now so common that many of those who never took time to find out what exactly it is and how to use it may be too sheepish to ask.

If you count yourself among those who don’t fully understand the mysterious “cloud,” it’s okay.

We’re going to tell you what the cloud is, what it isn’t, and why you shouldn’t be afraid.

What is the Cloud?

The cloud is simply internet-based software and services.

Through these software and services, you can run programs, store data, and eliminate the risk of losing important information and files if your computer goes kaput.

Utilizing the cloud and all of its associated services is often referred to as “cloud computing.”

Why the Cloud Isn’t Scary

Let’s address some of the concerns you might have about the cloud.

First, you might be worried that the cloud is unreliable.

No one wants to place their trust in a system where important data is inaccessible or hard to retrieve.

Fortunately, cloud-based services and software are available as long as there is an internet connection.

Many systems even offer opportunities to regularly back up important data offline to your own devices and storage systems to mitigate challenges posed by internet outages.

This means storing data on the cloud is often far more reliable than other methods of storing data. If you’ve ever had a device (computer, tablet, phone, etc.) crash, then you know how unreliable local systems can be.

A failure or malfunction at the wrong time can be catastrophic for your firm, especially when it renders documents inaccessible, out-of-date, or missing.

The cloud protects you against device crashes by making software, services, and data available through any internet-connected device you log into.

Secondly, with this “accessibility from anywhere,” you might be worried about security.

In reality, most local systems are just as vulnerable, if not more so, than cloud-based systems.

Servers that host cloud-based systems prioritize security, so these systems are typically less susceptible to security compromises than the computer in your home.

Lastly, you might also be concerned about cost. But prices of cloud-based services, software, and data storage are increasingly affordable.

It’s well worth the price to have peace of mind that your data won’t be lost if your local system crashes.

Types of Cloud Services for Legal Practices

Understanding the cloud’s primary service models—Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS)—is essential for law firms considering this digital shift:

For most law firms, SaaS stands out as the best fit among all types of cloud services. It allows lawyers to concentrate on their practices rather than IT management, providing a secure, scalable, and user-friendly solution that meets their day-to-day operational needs.

Embracing SaaS can significantly enhance a firm’s efficiency, security, and client service, making it a clear choice for firms looking to navigate the cloud landscape successfully.

The Benefits of Using the Cloud

When you rely on cloud-based services and software, you can rest assured that your data is always available. This gives you flexibility to work from multiple locations or on multiple devices.

The cloud also makes it easier for team members to collaborate on projects. If you work solely off documents and data stored locally on a computer, you’ll end up sending endless emails of updated documents, and may have trouble keeping track of which is the most recent.

This introduces many chances for errors and miscommunication.

When you share data and documents with your team through cloud computing, you can be sure that everyone is literally on the same page and able to see updates and changes being made in real-time.

Lastly, cloud usage creates a buffer between you or your business and unforeseen circumstances.

For example, if your local system is hit by a virus or crashes, you’ll know that all of your important data is secure and waiting for you whenever you log in with another device or when you get your systems repaired.

Get Started with Cloud Computing Through backdocket

At backdocket, we know the importance of secure data, flexibility, and collaboration. Our practice management system offers all of these benefits to small- and mid-sized law firms to improve efficiency and help them grow. If you want to know more about how our practice management software works, contact our team today for a free demonstration.

Originally published August 17, 2020. Updated March 8, 2024.

No modern workplace is properly positioned for success without the right tools, and this includes law firms. But what is the right technology for your firm?

Here are a few suggestions to get you started.

Telecommunication Tools

For firms that weren’t already equipped to communicate remotely with both clients and staff members, the 2020 coronavirus pandemic taught some difficult lessons.

Perhaps the biggest takeaway was that telecommunications are no longer optional.

So, where do you begin? First, you need to have channels available to communicate via phone, text message, and video conferencing.

Though phones are ubiquitous, many firms have opportunities to improve upon their text and video chat options.

It’s important to have a text-based chat tool for all team members to communicate internally. Some of the most common options include Slack, Microsoft Teams, and Google Hangouts.

Having the capacity to meet with clients remotely is also essential.

Several of the text-based platforms listed above have video capabilities, but you can also rely on FaceTime, Zoom, GoToMeeting, or any other number of easy-to-use video chat platforms.

Practice Management Software

A practice management software helps you keep track of prospects, intake, ongoing cases, and follow-ups with former clients.

It can automate key processes and centralize information to empower your team members to move cases forward and establish a healthy dialogue with clients.

At backdocket, this is our area of expertise, and we’ve built a practice management software to accommodate the needs of small- to mid-size firms.

With fully customizable dashboards and intuitive workflows for all team members, we offer solutions to the most common obstacles facing law firms.

Legal Research Platforms

One of the fundamental needs of any law firm is access to a research tool.

There are several options available, including Westlaw, LexisNexis, Google Scholar Legal, Casemaker, Fastcase, and Casetext.

Each offers varying prices and usability, so research your options to determine which combination is the best fit for your firm.

Some states offer free databases that can be useful for law firms, so be sure to look into options in your state.

Tools for Establishing an Online Presence

Law firms must have a presence online if they want to be found by potential clients.

Creating your own website is the first step; you should also create a profile on the major social media platforms and make sure to frequently post there.

Email marketing tools will also help nurture a database of potential leads, existing clients, and former clients.

Once you establish your online presence, you should monitor engagement to determine when and how to optimize your website, social media platforms, and email campaigns for best results.

You can designate someone internally to handle your marketing outreach, or you can work with marketing specialists.

There are many more technologies you can leverage to make sure your firm is making the most of available tools, but by implementing those listed above, you’ll be off to a great start.

Data Security and Compliance

It’s crucial to keep all private and personal data your firm acquires safe; Make sure to follow rules about client privacy when introducing new technology to make your firm’s workflow more efficient. A single incident where data gets exposed can lead to serious legal problems and damage your firm’s reputation.

When choosing software and technology, make sure it’s secure and protects client information. Look for strong protection features like data encryption, controlled access, and full backup options.

It’s also important to proactively monitor any new technology you use. This means regularly updating the software, training your team on security practices, and actively checking for any security weaknesses. This ongoing effort helps keep your firm’s data safe and in line with legal standards.

Learn More About backdocket Through a Free Demonstration

If your law firm is considering a practice management software, let us provide a free demonstration of how backdocket can improve your operations. Contact us today to learn more.

Originally published August 3, 2020. Updated February 12, 2024.

Implementing a new method of managing your law firm’s daily business is no small feat. If you do it the hard way, it requires a significant financial investment and extensive training of everyone at your firm.

But what if there was an easier way?

Practice management software offers a cost-effective way to dramatically improve your firm’s efficiency and profitability. When implemented properly, this type of software requires minimal training and can have an immediate impact on every team member’s workflow.

A practice management system can benefit any law firm, as long as it’s the right software for that firm’s needs. Backdocket offers unparalleled customization and ease-of-use, but we want to tell you exactly how your firm will thrive using a practice management software like ours.

Here are seven benefits you’ll notice immediately when you implement the right practice management software at your law firm.

1. You’ll have the most vital information right in front of you.

Using this type of system, you’ll be able to quickly and easily access important information through a centralized database. And depending on the practice management software you choose, you’ll be able to customize the information you’re seeing.

At backdocket, we believe having the ability to customize your own dashboard is crucial for all team members. Each team member’s needs are unique, so a one-size-fits-all approach simply isn’t as effective. Through your own personal dashboard, you can see all your priority tasks and information at one glance.

2. You’ll have more time available to focus on what matters.

Time is precious at law firms. When you don’t need to waste any time sorting through documents and following up on missing files, you’ll have more to devote to more important case aspects, ultimately improving your law firm’s profitability.

This is one of the most common pieces of feedback we hear from backdocket users. Typically, our users didn’t realize how much time they were wasting until they no longer relied on time-consuming processes to perform basic aspects of their jobs.

3. You’ll communicate better with team members, clients, and third parties.

Throughout the duration of a case, practice management software can remind you of who you need to contact and when you should contact them. When your work is streamlined and you’re given prompts for what’s next on the to-do list by your software, you’ll likely find you’re most often in a proactive—rather than a reactive—mode.

In some cases, practice management software can automate correspondence or records requests to third parties. This eliminates the need to send emails or make calls for routine requests, freeing you to focus on improved communication with your own team and clients.

4. You’ll be more organized.

Imagine a world in which your desk is less cluttered with files, and your to-do list isn’t packed with returning missed calls. The right practice management system makes it easier for you to do your job by streamlining processes, centralizing information in easy-to-find and easy-to-read reports, and cutting down on time-sucking tasks.

By making you and your team members more organized, your practice management software allows you to focus on whatever is most important on that day and at that time. This positions you for success in your clients’ cases and makes it easier for your staff to work more efficiently on the most essential tasks each day.

5. You’ll build stronger relationships with clients.

When you find the right practice management system, you’ll notice an immediate benefit in your firm’s customer service. This includes all stages of client relations: prospect outreach, intake calls, case management, and following up with clients to maintain relationships.

Because you can be more proactive—thanks to your new software—your clients will never feel like they need to be in charge of their own cases by initiating progress reports or inquiring about status updates.

Not only can you or anyone else in your firm find the information clients request immediately with project management software, but you can also give clients frequent, in-depth updates on the status of their cases before they reach out.

Backdocket gives any team member you choose access to client information. So, if the lead attorney on a case isn’t in the office when a client calls, another team member can give that client a status update.

6. You’ll be less likely to miss deadlines.

Practice management softwares like backdocket often provide a centralized calendar where all critical dates, such as court appearances, client meetings, and filing deadlines are consolidated. This calendar is accessible to all staff members, ensuring everyone is on the same page.

Automated reminders help alert lawyers and support staff about upcoming deadlines well in advance. Task management tools within our software allow for the delegation and tracking of specific activities related to cases, ensuring that each step is completed on time.

Backdocket integrates with email and document management, which streamlines workflow and communication and further reduces the risk of missing important deadlines. This integration ensures that all relevant information is easily accessible to everyone working on a case, making the management of time-sensitive tasks more efficient and reliable.

7. You can reduce paperwork AND your environmental footprint.

Practice management software helps law firms reduce paperwork and their environmental footprint by digitizing many traditional paper-based processes. This allows for the electronic storage of documents, case files, and client information, vastly decreasing the need for physical files.

This digitization not only saves space, but it also reduces paper waste. Backdocket also includes features for electronic communication and document sharing, allowing for paperless interactions both within the firm and with clients.

Online forms and e-signature capabilities further diminish the need for printing. By streamlining workflows and centralizing data in a digital format, these systems not only enhance overall efficiency, but they also support law firms in their efforts to adopt more sustainable practices.

Curious to See if backdocket Can Help Your Firm? Drop Us a Line.

Every firm wants to get the most out of its practice. Backdocket is an affordable, solution-based practice management software that improves how small- to mid-sized firms handle cases and grow their businesses.

If you want to know how backdocket can grow your firm, let us show you. We offer free demonstrations of how our practice management software can make your and your team’s lives easier. Contact us today to learn more.

Originally published July 13, 2020. Updated January 11, 2024.