What Should You Include on Your Law Firm’s Website?

Establishing your law firm’s presence online is no longer optional. For many years, the internet has been the most popular method of finding attorneys.

Even if a firm is not interested in digital marketing, it will benefit greatly from having a basic website that lets potential clients know who the firm is and how to reach it.

If you’re wondering what to include on your law firm’s website, we have you covered.


When you’re creating your law firm’s website, you should always include a few essential details so people can find you when they search for you. At the very least, your website should include:

  • Your firm’s name, address, phone number, and all other contact information.
  • The types of cases you handle.
  • Basic information about your law firm and your primary attorneys.

Make your firm’s purpose and services clear to your site’s visitors right away. If you have a personal injury law firm, you can’t go wrong with adding content to the very top of your homepage that says, “personal injury lawyers serving (your area).”

Of course, just these measures alone won’t bring in a huge amount of new cases or shoot you to the top of search engine results pages. But it will serve as an online business card for your firm and let users know what you do and how they can reach you.


Once you’re ready to take your law firm’s website to the next level, you can be more specific in your firm’s services and offer visitors a more user-friendly experience. This means:

  • Creating unique webpages within your site for each of the services you provide.
  • Making it easy for users to navigate to those pages through a navigation bar at the top of all your pages.
  • Offering more information about your firm, including its history and brief biographies of your attorneys.
  • Telling users about your previous successes, either through past results, client testimonials, or both.
  • Creating an online form that users can fill out to contact your law firm.
  • Listing any community involvement your firm has been part of.

At this point, you’ve probably assumed (correctly) that you’ll need some help creating a user-friendly website. Some website hosting platforms offer intuitive interfaces for building your website, which can be useful for tech-savvy people in your firm who you choose to spearhead your online presence.

However, you might want to consider looking for third-party digital marketers, developers, or web designers who can help make your vision a reality.


When you feel like you have a solid presence online with your law firm’s website, but you’re ready to be more competitive in your market, it’s time to look at more advanced strategies.

Though one could write an entire book on this subject, let’s identify a few strategies you can use to get the most out of your law firm’s website.

Regularly update your content

Frequently reevaluate your site’s content, including written copy, photos, images, and videos, and find opportunities to refresh it. Whenever you get an impressive review, testimonial, or case result, list it on your site. Consider blogging on a regular basis—whether that schedule is daily, weekly, or monthly—with blogs related to your firm’s services and community involvement.

Optimize your site for search engines (SEO)

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a huge topic that can easily be overwhelming for those unfamiliar with it. Start with the basics, such as optimizing your site’s title tags, headings, meta descriptions, and page speed. Then you can work your way up to even more advanced strategies like schema markup, link building, and establishing your authority online.

If you’re completely baffled by SEO, don’t worry. You can quickly become fluent in best practices for optimizations via online videos, tutorials, and guides, like our own SEO guide specifically geared for law firms or The Beginner’s Guide to SEO from Moz.

Analyze your competitors’ websites and seek to provide better content and user experience

If you want to know what type of content performs best on search engines, then start googling important search terms you’d like to rank for.

For example, google “personal injury lawyers in (your city)” and make note of the firms that perform well on page one of search results. Analyze what those sites do, so you can try to create content and a user experience that is superior to those websites.

Use performance analytics

Understanding how visitors interact with your law firm’s website can help refine your content, user experience, and marketing strategies. Performance analytics tools like Google Analytics (GA4) and Google Search Console can provide insights into metrics such as page views, traffic sources, click-through rates, and more.

This data is often helpful for identifying what type of content engages your visitors, optimizing your layout and navigation, and determining which marketing channels (social media, email, organic search, etc.) are most effective at driving visitors to your site.

At backdocket, We Help Firms Reach the Next Level

Our practice management software ensures that once you start getting leads online, you’re able to give them the best service possible. Backdocket helps small- to mid-size firms communicate more effectively, keep track of leads, automate processes, and ensure that cases are always moving forward.

If you’d like a free backdocket demonstration, contact us today to get started.

Originally published November 30, 2020. Updated May 17, 2024.

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