It’s helpful to see how backdocket makes a difference by looking at an actual firm using this software every day. In this case study, we spoke with Caldwell Wenzel & Asthana, PC to find out exactly how backdocket improved the way they operate.
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Like so many law firms, Caldwell Wenzel & Asthana, PC relied on spreadsheets and handwritten notes to keep track of cases and key processes. Backdocket changed that and, as a result, the firm’s efficiency improved dramatically.
Before utilizing backdocket, what was frustrating about intake?
CWA: Everything was captured in a spreadsheet. More specifically, it was written down first, then put into a spreadsheet. You really didn’t know the correct dates and times of correspondence. It was tougher to follow up on a case.
With backdocket, it’s very easy to manage your intake dashboard to know whether you’re chasing a case or to find out its status. The system just makes it so much easier to have everything right at your fingertips.
How has intake improved since you started using backdocket?
CWA: We’re able to make sure we’re getting all the information we need to make the right decisions. Backdocket guides everyone on our team, even newer employees, through the intake process. We see which questions we should ask during each stage of the case management process.
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